Published Articles

Rosenfeld, Bryn. 2022. "Survey Research in Russia: In the Shadow of War." Post-Soviet Affairs 39(1-2): 38-48. [Abstract] [Download Paper

Paskhalis, Tom, Bryn Rosenfeld and Katerina Tertytchnaya. 2022. "Independent Media under Pressure: Evidence from Russia." Post-Soviet Affairs 38(3): 155-174.  [Download Paper]

Rosenfeld, Bryn. 2022. "Belarusian Public Opinion and the 2020 Uprising." Post-Soviet Affairs, 38(1-2): 150-154. [Abstract][Download Paper]

Pop-Eleches, Grigore, Graeme Robertson and Bryn Rosenfeld. 2022. "Protest Participation and Attitude Change: Evidence from Ukraine's Euromaidan Revolution." The Journal of Politics 84(2): 625-638. [Abstract] [Download Paper][Replication Archive]

Rosenfeld, Bryn. 2021. "State Dependency and the Limits of Middle Class Support for Democracy." Comparative Political Studies 54(3-4): 411-444. [Abstract][Download Paper][Replication Archive]

Chou, Winston, Kosuke Imai, and Bryn Rosenfeld. 2020. “Sensitive Survey Questions with Auxiliary Information.” Sociological Methods & Research 49(2): 418-454. [Abstract][Download Paper][Replication Archive]

Rosenfeld, Bryn, Kosuke Imai, and Jacob N. Shapiro. 2016. “An Empirical Validation Study of Popular Survey Methodologies for Sensitive Questions.” American Journal of Political Science 60(3): 783–802. [Abstract][Download Paper][Replication Archive]

When studying sensitive issues such as corruption, prejudice, and sexual behavior, researchers have increasingly relied upon indirect questioning techniques to mitigate such known problems of direct survey questions as under-reporting and nonresponse. However, there have been surprisingly few empirical validation studies of these indirect techniques, because the information required to verify the resulting estimates is often difficult to access. This paper reports findings from the first comprehensive validation study of indirect methods. We estimate whether people voted for an anti-abortion referendum held during the 2011 Mississippi General Election using direct questioning and three popular indirect methods: list experiment, endorsement experiment, and randomized response. We then validate these estimates against the official election outcome. While direct questioning leads to significant under-estimation of sensitive votes against the referendum, these survey techniques yield estimates much closer to the actual vote count, with endorsement experiment and randomized response yielding least bias.

Working Papers 

Information Politics and Propaganda in Authoritarian Societies (with Jeremy Wallace; Conditionally accepted at the Annual Review of Political Science)

Anxiety and Information Seeking in an Autocracy: Lessons from the COVID Pandemic in Russia (with Grigo Pop-Eleches and Graeme Robertson, Under Review) [Abstract][Download Paper

Risk Attitudes and Political Participation under Authoritarian Rule [Abstract]

Repression, Emotions and Legitimacy: Evidence from a Survey Experiment in Russia (with Grigo Pop-Eleches, Graeme Robertson and Samuel Greene)

Polarization and Support for Undemocratic Behavior: The Case of Russia (with Yunus Orhan, John Reuter, and David Szakonyi) [Abstract][Download Paper]

Public Sector Independence and Democratic Backsliding (with Frances Cayton, Under Review)

Identity Change in Times of Crisis: How Russian Aggression Has Shaped Ukrainian Identity from Donbas to the Full-Scale Invasion (with Grigo Pop-Eleches and Graeme Robertson)

A Case-Control Method for Studying Protest Participation and Other Rare Events [Abstract]